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Cracking the Coding Interviews - Practice Series
Questions List for Series A
Week 1
Chapter 1 - Arrays and Strings
1.1 isUnique
1.4 Palindrome Permutation
1.7 Rotate Matrix
Chapter 2 - Linked Lists
2.1 Remove Dups
2.4 Partition
2.7 Intersection
Week 2
Chapter 3 - Stacks and Queues
3.1 Three in One
3.4 Queue via Stacks
Chapter 4 - Trees and Graphs
4.1 Route Between Nodes
4.4 Check Balanced
4.7 Build Order
4.10 Check Subtree
Week 3
Chapter 5 - Bit Manipulation
5.1 Insertion
5.4 Next Number
5.7 Pairwise Swap
Week 4
Chapter 7 - Object-Oriented Design
7.1 Deck of Cards
7.4 Parking Lot
7.7 Chat Server
7.10 Minesweeper
Week 5
Chapter 8 - Recursion and Dynamic Programming
8.1 Triple Step
8.4 Power Set
8.7 Permutations without Dups
8.10 Paint Fill
8.13 Stack of Boxes
Week 6
Chapter 9 - System Design and Scalability
9.1 Stock Data
9.4 Duplicate URLs
9.7 Personal Financial Manager
Week 7
Chapter 10 - Sorting and Searching
10.1 Sorted Merge
10.4 Sorted Search, No Size
10.7 Missing Int
10.10 Rankfrom Stream
Week 8
Chapter 12 - C and C++
12.1 Last K Lines
12.2 Reverse String
12.3 Hash Table vs. STL Map
12.4 Virtual Functions
12.5 Shallow vs. Deep Copy
12.6 Volatile
Week 9
Chapter 12 - C and C++
12.7 Virtual Base Class
12.8 Copy Node
12.9 Smart Pointer
12.10 Malloc
12.11 2D Alloc
Week 10
Chapter 15 - Threads and Locks
15.1 Thread vs. Process
15.4 Deadlock-Free Class
Week 11
Chapter 16 - Moderate
16.1 Number Swapper
16.4 Tic Tac Win
16.7 Number Max
Week 12
Chapter 16 - Moderate
16.10 Living People
16.13 Bisect Squares
16.16 Sub Sort
Week 13
Chapter 16 - Moderate
16.19 Pond Sizes
16.22 Langtonās Ant
16.25 LRU Cache
Week 14
Chapter 17 - Hard
17.1 Add Without Plus
17.4 Missing Number
17.7 Baby Names
Week 15
Chapter 17 - Hard
17.10 Majority Element
17.13 Re-Space
17.16 The Masseuse
Week 16
Chapter 17 - Hard
17.19 Missing Two
17.22 Word Transformer
17.25 Word Rectangle